Did the Police Find Drugs in Your Car During a Routine Traffic Stop? The Police May Have Violated Your Rights

It’s an all too common scenario: the police make a routine traffic stop for some small infraction such as failing to use your turn signal. The next thing you know, the police are searching your car – looking under the seats, in the trunk, in the glove box, and rifling through your possessions. Then they find drugs and you’re charged with, at a minimum, possession of a controlled substance. The next thing you know, you’re being told that you could be facing jail time and a drug conviction on your permanent criminal record. Continue reading “Did the Police Find Drugs in Your Car During a Routine Traffic Stop? The Police May Have Violated Your Rights”

Do You Need a Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer for a First-Time DUI?

Many Californians – even after consuming a significant amount of alcohol – rationalize that they will be “okay” driving home from the bar or party. This is especially common when it is late at night, the person is tired, and he or she is anxious to get home. The driver may even figure that given the late hour, police officers will not be out patrolling. This can be a serious mistake and error in judgment and can result in a first-time California DUI charge or conviction. Continue reading “Do You Need a Los Angeles Criminal Defense Lawyer for a First-Time DUI?”

Eric Garner and Excessive Force

Eric Garner and his wife.

By now most people are familiar with the story of Eric Garner’s death. An unarmed black man dies after an encounter with the police where an officer (Daniel Pantaleo) puts Garner on a chokehold. The Garner story has brought up a lot of tension between the police department responsible for Garner’s death and the community. Continue reading “Eric Garner and Excessive Force”

How the War on Drugs is Changing

Currently, the United States imprisons more people than any other country, a large portion of U.S. prisoners are there because of drug sentencing policies that are not helping people in need, instead they are throwing nonviolent drug offenders into state prisons along with violent criminals.

Because of the policies and mandatory minimums that are tied Continue reading “How the War on Drugs is Changing”