Eighteen Sheriff’s Deputies Charged With Engaging In Corruption and Civil Right Abuses.

Eighteen current and former Los Angeles County deputies are currently facing charges for engaging in corruption and civil right abuses. The charges include beating inmates and visitors, as well as falsifying reports and trying to block an FBI investigation.

The charges were announced yesterday after 16 of the 18 deputies were arrested. The two deputies Continue reading “Eighteen Sheriff’s Deputies Charged With Engaging In Corruption and Civil Right Abuses.”

Deputy of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Charge With Lewd Acts with a Minor

Deputy John Rose (left) along with a colleague.

John Augustus Rose, A deputy of the Los Angeles county sheriff’s department was arrested after allegations of him having sexual relation with an underage girl arose.

When the sheriff’s department became aware of the allegations against deputy Rose, they immediately commenced an investigation to look into the matter. Continue reading “Deputy of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department Charge With Lewd Acts with a Minor”